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DEP Secretary Confirmation Recommended by Senate Ethics and Elections Committee

January 20th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

The man who runs the Department of Environmental Protection won a confirmation vote in a Senate Committee today. Jon Stevenson has been under fire for wanting to expand hunting, farming, and other activities on state park lands and for trying to make parks more profitable. Today, State Senator Alan Hays said Stevenson is on the right track.

“Part of protecting the environment means getting rid of the darn feral hogs, and the only simple way to do that is hunt them and kill them, just like ISIS.

Stevenson still faces a vote by the full senate and opposition from environmental groups. Afterwards he said he will continue us push to make parks self sustaining,

“When I come before the legislature and seek additional dollars, because I have, regressed money for land management. I requested more money in our legislative budget request this year for parks than any other secretary in history. I want them to help fund this. I want them to see that I’m doing everything I can on my end to live up to that” says the DEP Secretary.

State parks saw more than 30 million visitors last year, a 14 percent increase.

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