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Teachers Take on Legislature at Enough is Enough Rally

January 15th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

Teachers from across the state got on buses as early as 4am this morning to go to the state Capitol and tell lawmakers they’re fed up with legislative meddling in their classrooms. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the educators say multiple tests are keeping kids from learning.

1500 hundred teachers came to the state Capitol from across the state. their message:

Nat sot of chant;

“Enough is enough. enough is enough.”

Q:”What’s enough? we asked Sabrina Zinamon, a teacher from Jacksonville.

“Enough of testing. enough for our Students. enough!”

They came from every area of the state. Paula Stephens brought her whole family from Pinellas County.

“Literally, its going from one test to another. the whole month of march is literally, my fourth grade students will have one test a week” says Stephens.

“We’re not gonna take it” Twisted Sisters 1984 anthem played for the crows.

It is the first time teachers have brought this much muscle to the Capitol in at least six years. FEA President JoAnn McCall urged them to act.

“Today we will provide the testimony that lawmakers don’t want Florida to hear.”

We asked Jennifer Anhalt, an Alaucha County teacher ”What would you say to those legislators who say, if we don’t test, we don’t know if kids are learning.”

her response: :”Well, I would say that’s ridiculous. every day we are assessing our children, from the minute they walk in the door to the minute they go home”.

One of the takeaway lines here: Teachers aren’t opposed to testing. We invented it.’

Pending legislation would allow districts to use a nationally standardized test instead of a state test. Sot: Anna Witten is a Lee County Elementary school teacher:”What do you want them to hear?” ”I want them to let us teach” she responded

The educators are also mad at  lawmakers over funding.

Mindy Haas, President of the Florida PTA told the crowds  “Let’s hold them accountable. Share their record. Let them know how they voted in your community.”

Record per pupil funding is being proposed this year, but most of the cash is coming from local property taxes…not the state.

The teachers also called for more time for recess, music and the arts, saying students need a well rounded education that is based on more than test results.

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