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Anti Marijuana Campaign Begins

December 3rd, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Voters are almost certain to see a ballot initiative legalizing medical marijuana when they go to the pools next November, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, the same coalition that defeated pot in 2014 is alive and active again.

Medical Marijuana supporters are slightly more than half way to meeting their petition goal to be back on the ballot. The Amendment is getting a free pass at the State Supreme Court, where no one challenged its wording. Calvina Fay from Drug Free American says a challenge just wasn’t feasible.
“To challenge the language that was challenged last year didn’t make sense, and its the same justices” says Fay.

The coalition that fought and kept medical marijuana from being adopted in 2014 is at it again. they’ve already got four billboards like this one in the state Capitol.

The billboards ask: “Would you vote for more marijuana impaired drivers on our roadways?”

Steve Casey, Executive Director of the FL Sheriffs Association says “Innocent Floridians become victims when an impaired driver gets behind the wheel.”

The billboards are for December’s designation as national impaired driving prevention month.  But we asked Calvina Fay if they were the beginning of a campaign to fight medical marijuana.

“We’re not the political campaign, so we are not the people saying vote no. We will continue to do what we have done all along to tell people that marijuana is a dangerous drug” she responded.

Tracie Biggins came to the Capitol to talk about the loss of her ten year old son in a tragic crash fueled by synthetic drugs.

“I’m hoping that by speaking out, I can encourage others to not do it. That’s our goal” she told us.

So, while it is almost certain that voters will see a medical marijuana amendment on next year’s ballot, the impaired driving effort a year before, makes it clear pot won’t be getting a free pass next November.

People United for Medical Marijuana has certified just under 375 thousand signatures.

They need another 308 thousand before February to be on the November ballot. As for the Supreme Court challenge, marijuana opponents were advised to save their money for the political campaign next fall.


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