Rape Kit Testing to get Statewide Policy
December 1st, 2015 by Mike VasilindaA legislative committee today approved a requirement that all rape kits be submitted for testing within thirty days of the evidence being collected or on the victim or victim advocate asking the kit be tested. State Rep. Janet Adkins cited a Detroit study that tested about a fourth of the cities untested rape kits and got astounding results.
“When you look at the numbers from Detroit there were 8,700 kits that have not been tested. They took about 2,000 of those kits, tested them, they identified 188 serial predators. When you stop and think about that, 188 serial predators who now have been identified in Detroit, that’s appalling. We can not only ensure justice for these victims, but believe we can prevent future crimes” says Adkins
The legislation also requires all of Florida’s nearly eleven thousand rape kits to be tested by mid 2017.
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