FSU One Year Later: A Quiet Anniversary
November 20th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaToday marks the one year anniversary of a shooting on the campus of Florida State University. Three students were injured. One critically. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the university wasn’t taking any chances today.
Two marked police vehicles were prominent outside Strozier Library. When asked, University officials said it was to give students peace of mind. Unsaid was the fear of a copy cat gunman.
When it comes to the anniversary, the basic philosophy of the administration here has been to remember respectfully, and quietly.
Inside the library, small banner proclaims “one year later we are still FSUnited”. Police were at their post inside the main entrance.
We found student Kiaah Stover of Pensacola outside studying in almost the exact location where the first student was shot.
“I always felt really safe on our campus. Even with something like that happening here, I don’t know, ,
I always felt like there was more of a sense of togetherness if anything” says the Human Right major.
President John Thrasher posted a message on the University’s home page, praising police as heroes and asking people to remember Ronny Ahmed, the most seriously wounded student who remains paralyzed.
“Truly is a family. And I learned it that weekend and that week during that shooting that , you know, we hang together” says Thrasher.
Ronny recently told us he expects to walk again.
“I would say probably the next ten years or so? Technology progresses incredibly fast” says ronny.
Nathan Scott was shot in the leg and co worker Paige McPhadden escaped injury when the gun mis fired or was empty. Both plan to celebrate privately.
Since the shooting, Ronny Ahmed has been given an apartment and wheelchair accessible van. More than 2 hundred thousand dollars for his care has been donated privately, but his lifetime medical costs are expected to top a million dollars. You can learn more at https://www.youcaring.com/search/go?w=ronny+Ahmed
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