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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » Former First Lady Rhea Chiles Dies at 84

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Former First Lady Rhea Chiles Dies at 84

November 9th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Former First Lady Rhea Chiles has died at the age of 84. Her husband, Governor Lawton Chiles died in 1998 just days before the end of his second term. Often referred to as his inner voice, Mrs Chiles was considered one of the keys to the longtime political leaders successes, advising on policy and political matters. Chiles himself credited his wife with coming up with the idea for the then unknown state senator to walk the state in what became a successful bid for the US Senate. Ron Sachs is a former aid to Governor Chiles,

“Well, the nickname “Walkin Lawton” was given to the Governor by the media.  In 1970 as a little known state senator he was running for the US Senate. They didn’t have any money to go on TV,  she suggested he walk across the state and it became the thing.  Media started to cover him. He vaulted up in the polls and obviously won three terms in the Senate as a result” says Sachs.

Mrs. Chiles is the only first lade featured in the official portrait of a Governor. She is seen in a mirror over Chiles shoulder in the painting.  is expected to be buried next to her husband next week on their property outside of Tallahassee.

mrs chiles00000003

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