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Lawmakers Want Protections for Firefighters Diagnosed with Cancer

October 21st, 2015 by flanews

There’s always a risk of a firefighter not coming back from a blaze when they’re called out to a scene, but it’s what happens to them after that has lawmakers worried. As Matt Galka tells us, a new bill is designed to protect firefighters who may eventually have to battle cancer when the fire has been put out.

It’s another call at the fire station for Kevin Bellucy.

“It’s what I do 15 times a day,” he says getting into his fire engine.

Five years ago, today was anything but a certainty.

“I got a chest x-ray, they found some masses in my chest,” he said.

A Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosis put Bellucy’s career on hold, and life in jeopardy.

“A doctor told me “if you get a common cold at this point, there might not be a tomorrow,” said Bellucy.

But he’s a survivor.  Doctor’s caught the cancer in time and Bellucy is back to work doing what he loves. Lawmakers now want to make sure all firefighters suffering from the disease are taken care of.

Legislation introduced Wednesay at the state capitol would protect firefighters who are diagnosed with cancer, it could possibly help them keep their jobs and their benefits.

“The facts are the facts, firefighters right now are twice as likely to get cancer or be diagnosed with cancer from on the job training,” said Rep. Frank Artiles (R-Miami), one of the bill’s sponsors.

The new proposal would presume that any cancer diagnosis for a firefighter was caused by their work in the line of duty.

“Most employers say ‘if you can’t come back to work, we have to let you go…this bill would correct that,” said Jim Tolley, Florida Professional Firefighters president.

Firefighters would be eligible to return to work in a light duty capacity instead of being out of a job.

“We risk our lives every day, on and off duty, and we don’t mind carrying that burden, but we want to know that our family are going to be taken care of,” said Bellucy.

33 other states already have similar firefighter protections. New firefighters would undergo a pre-employment cancer screening and all firemen would be informed within 48 hours if they’ve come in contact with a known carcinogen under the bill.

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