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Bear Hunt Set to Begin Saturday

October 21st, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

More than 28 hundred people have applied to take part in Florida’s first Black Bear hunt in more than 20 years. It begins on Saturday, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, opponents continue to push back.

15 Year old Laura Reeder was attacked by a bear as she walked her dog  just before Christmas last year. Stan Kirkland of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Says she was hurt badly.

“She’s got tooth marks on her head. Bite marks on her arms and legs” Kirkland told us last December.

The bear was later caught and destroyed.

This bear broke into two porches in June, was captured, and euthanized by wildlife officers. FWC Bear Management Technician David Telesco says they have few choices.

“And once an adult bear is used to people, there’s really nothing we can do to reverse that” says Telesco.

Beginning Saturday, Florida opens what could be a one week bear season. More than 2800 hundred hunters have paid a one hundred dollar fee for the chance to take one of 320 bears. Environmentalists tried to stop the hunt, arguing in court the bears were sitting ducks. AttorneyRalph Brooks represented Stand Up Wekiva.

“These bears haven’t been hunted in more than 20 years. They are not as afraid of people, as perhaps, bears that are being hunted” Brooks told the judge.

Hunter Wayne McDaniel doesn’t see it that way.

“It’s just like the alligators. We have to regulate them to keep the numbers down. There have been bear attacks on many dogs, even people, and it’s mot going to be long and someone can get killed” says McDaniel.

Opponents are going quietly. They plan a dozen protests across the state for Friday, including one here, at the Commission that authorized the hunt.

Laura Bevan of the Human Society of the US, says FWC did too little too late.

“We don;t have a bear problem. We have a garbage problem, and the Wildlife Commission didn’t address it sufficiently” says Bevan.

While scheduled for a week, the hunt is expected to be cancelled once the quota of 320 bears is reached.

From January first through September 30th, 83 bears were euthanized by the Fish and Wildlife Commission. As Mike said, a dozen protests across the state are planned for Friday. You can locate one near you by visiting: http://stopflbearhunt.com/pages/statewide-protests. And if you are interested in being a hunter, permits cost $100.00 and are available through Friday.

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