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Association of American Universities Unveils Campus Sexual Assault Report

September 22nd, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

A new study by the prestigious Association of American Universities found that more than half of all serious sexual assaults on or near campus go unreported. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, 55 rapes have been reported in the Capitol city since June, but rape counselors are seeing record numbers of women seeking counseling.

One in four students is reporting unwanted sexual contact during their four years in college. Florida State was quick to point out it was not part of the study, but we had no trouble finding FSU students, including Alexia Braxton, who know someone who has been sexually assaulted.

“I think she feels as if her college career is ruined. She’s not going to have any more in college because that happened to her” says Braxton.

The study found that fewer than half of the students reporting penetration report the crime. Half who were violated say they were incapacitated by drugs or alcohol.

One of the things this study points out is that a freshman is more likely to be assaulted than a senior.

Meg Baldwin of Refuge House says nationally, the beginning of the fall semester is referred to as the red zone by police and rape counselors.

“Historically we see the highest rates of victims coming forward for forensic exams in September, October, and November. And that increase is attributable nearly entirely to young women coming onto campus for the first time.

Jennifer Dritt of the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence says the study confirms what is already known.

“People are really reluctant to say this is a serious problem, because everything in us wants to say we’re not living in this kind of world, but we are.”

The report also says students are knowledgeable about what and where to report unwanted sexual activity…but they just don’t do it.

Students survey who did not report assaults say it was out of  fear, shame, or a lack of confidence their report will be acted upon.

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