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Solar Flare-Up

July 16th, 2015 by flanews

Voters will be deciding the future of solar in the state next year if some pro-sun groups have their say. But as Matt Galka tells us, a new ballot effort has caused a solar flare up within Florida.

Simpler Solar Systems owner Al Simpler says the sunshine state needs to embrace its name and solar power.


“Maryland is now using more solar than we are, it’s time to step up,” he said.

He’s backing an amendment initiative for the 2016 election. The group Floridians for Solar Choice is gathering petitions to allow homeowners and businesses to harness and sell up to two megawatts of solar power without government intrusion.

The effort is heavily opposed by utility companies and now another group.  Consumers for Smart Solar launched their own ballot initiative this week. They seek to allow Floridians to install solar panels on their homes…something they can already do. Smart Solar is also calling the Solar Choice amendment shady.


“People that didn’t use solar would end up being charged or having to bear some responsibility for maintaining the grid,” said Screven Watson with the group.

Floridians for Solar Choice says the rival ballot effort is deceptive.

“There’s no solar companies supporting what they’re doing, it’s just basically the large power companies who want to maintain the status quo, and they don’t want to have a robust market here in Florida for solar power,” said Steve Smith with the group.

The opposing amendment isn’t the only shade being thrown Solar Choice’s way. They’re also getting opposition from the League of Cities and the Attorney General.

Despite the opposition, Floridians for Solar Choice has already collected around 100 thousand signatures. They’ll need almost 600 thousand more to get the proposal on 2016’s ballot.

The Florida Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments for the Floridian’s for Solar Choice’s ballot language in September.

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