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Gun Lovers Get Tax Breaks

June 22nd, 2015 by flanews

The governor spent Monday on a tax cut victory tour. as Matt Galka tells us, part of the plan eliminated what gun supporters called a tax on the 2nd amendment.

J.D. Johnson with the Talon gun range about 20 minutes away from Florida’s Capitol says he has about 1500 membership accounts.

“Our gold membership, which is our highest membership, is about 300 bucks a year,” he said.

All of those people were charged sales tax on their membership, but that’s about to change.  The legislature passed a tax cut package repealing the extra charge on gun club memberships. It will save member’s at the Talon Gun club around $22 bucks.

“We really didn’t agree with the sales tax in the first place, we questioned it in the first place.  And the Department of Revenue basically said “no, it’s taxable,” so we charged tax on it. We don’t get to make those rules up,” said Johnson.

The NRA has had the tax in its sights for about five years.

Former National Rifle Association president Marion Hammer says the Department of Revenue was violating the constitution by collecting the tax.

“Only the legislature can regulate guns and ammunition in any way, and certainly taxing gun clubs is a regulation,” she said.

The break promises to save Floridians around $1 million bucks out of the $427 million dollar tax cut package.   While the cut passed easily out of the legislature, there was some concern from Democrats that instead of cutting the fee, the money could be better spent in other areas of the budget.

The NRA hopes the Department of Revenue will begin the process of returning the taxes they collected on memberships in the past.

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