Tom Lee Apoligetic on Amendment 1 Funding
June 18th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaThe Senate’s Chief Budget writer today asked environmentalists to take the long view in fudnding for environmental projects. Sen. Tom Lee acknowledged that many of the people who voted for Amendment One last November will be disappointed by the funding levels set by the legislature, which includes many salaries and programs that were previously paid for out of general revenue.
“I know in this current year that people who are advocates for land acquisition will be underwhelmed with our effort and I respect that, and frankly don’t disagree with them. I don’t. I think…we could do better” Lee told reporters after the Senate’s Thursday session.
Lee said conflicting priorities of the House and Senate leadership, as well as a surprise four hundred million dollar expense for hospitals doomed the environmental appropriations. Audubon Florida and others say they are considering a law suit of mis placed environmental priorities.
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