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Disaster Ready

May 21st, 2015 by flanews

Florida has been lucky since 2005 when it comes to avoiding hurricanes, but every year could be *the* year the state gets hit again. As Matt Galka tells us, state officials are always at the ready.

Florida’s emergency operations center was a flurry of action Thursday. Two hurricanes had just walloped Florida.

Luckily it was only a drill. Hurricane season doesn’t start until June 1st, but with one named storm already in 2015, director Bryan Koon says Florida remains at the ready.

“The early season storms is no indicator that it’s going to be an above average or below average season, in fact some of the forecasts indicate that it might be a slightly less than average season, but the message to Floridians is that it doesn’t matter how many storms are in the Atlantic this year, it matters how many impact Florida and impact you,” he said.

It’s been 10 years since Florida was hit by a hurricane. But that doesn’t mean people should be complacent.


“Since the last time Florida had a hurricane, millions of new people have moved to the state, and on any given day we have millions of tourists, so we have lots of people in Florida who have never experienced a hurricane before,” Koon said.

If Florida gets hit with its first hurricane in a decade, it will be the first year that lawmakers, who may not have a concealed carry permit, to travel with their gun if they’re forced from their homes.

Lawmakers say they wanted to make sure Floridians weren’t being thrown in jail by just protecting their property.

“If you put it just underneath your seat, or if you put It inside your door, that could be considered carrying a concealed weapon with you, that could be considered a third degree felony,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg) in March.
The Governor signed the bill into law on Thursday.

Florida officials encourage everyone in the state to “Get a Plan.” Go to F-L Get A Plan dot com for information on how you can get your own disaster kit ready.

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