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Warring Chambers End Session

May 1st, 2015 by flanews

Friday is the constitutional scheduled end to legislative session – but work stopped earlier this week because of a healthcare budget battle. As Matt Galka tells us, even with both chambers not getting anything done, there’s still plenty of political drama, and no love lost, between the two sides.

Day 60 of legislative session typically is filled with celebration, but that’s not the case in 2015.

The House quit early on the Senate Tuesday which deepened the divide between two Republican controlled chambers. It also prompted Senate Democrats to file suit with the state’s Supreme Court over the early adjournment and tried to force them to reconvene.

Sen. Darren Soto/(D) Kissimmee

“We face a constitutional crisis of can one chamber just leave early and leave the other in the lurch to do whatever they want?” said Sen. Darren Soto (D-Kissimmee).

The State’s supreme court denied their petition late Friday.

But it was Twitter sparking more drama between the two sides.  Prominent House Republican Matt Gaetz tweeted “the lawsuit reads like it was researched and drafted by Senator Joyner and spell checked by Senator Bullard.”

The tweet created a social media firestorm over whether or not it was racially motivated. Senators Arthenia Joyner and Dwight Bullard are both African-American.

“This is the work of a person who is immature and does not respect race, in my opinion,” said Sen. Arthenia Joyner (D-Tampa).

The riff was one of many between the two sides who can’t agree on much this year.

So we won’t be getting the ceremonial hankey drop that ends regular session. An odd session ends with the state waiting for lawmakers to return and craft a budget.

The Supreme Court did say that what the House did was unconstitutional but forcing them back before midnight was fruitless. Senators say they will technically remain in session until 11:59 p.m. Friday night.  Meanwhile, Senators Joyner and Bullard say they’ve received no apology from Matt Gaetz over his comments, but he did tweet that he was sorry for another message he sent out about Obamacare.

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