Senate Democrats File Writ, Seek Return of House
April 30th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaUpdate: Supreme Court orders House to respond by 10:00 Friday Morning. See the Order here.
A dozen Senate Democrats walked from the Capitol across the street to the Supreme Court today and filed suit, alleging the Florida House acted unconstitutionally when it adjourned early on Tuesday. The Constitution says neither House may adjourn for more than 72 hours. The filing asking the court to order the House back into session by 1:30 on Friday, which is the end of the 72 hour period. Senate Democratic Leader Arthenia Joyner says allowing the adjournment would set a bad precedent.
“The people of Florida did not send us here to waste time on their dime. They sent us here to get the job done. It’s time the House completed there’s. And we expect the Supreme Court to remind them of that duty” said Joyner from the steps of the court.
Sen. Daren Soto (D-Orlando) drafted the suit, and says if the court doesn’t stoop what he is calling an illegal act, there will be no end to future disagreements.
“We’ve all sworn a duty to uphold the constitution and we’re deeply concerned about an awful precedent. What’s to say that next year it won’t be two weeks, three weeks, or four weeks. And so the remedy is pretty clear…The Supreme Court, under the case law we sited has the authority to approve a Writ of Mandamus to require an official act of the Legislature and because the SineDie was done illegally, we are technically still in session” says the Orlando Democrat.
The House went home Tuesday over a budget disagreement with the Senate on healthcare. Senate President Andy Gardiner today suggested a 20 day Special Session beginning June 1 to write a budget. See the writ here.
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