Fracking Legislation Could Survive Session Shutdown
April 28th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaMost bills died when House members called the 2015 session quits on Tuesday, but one of the bills that could still be alive is legislation regulating fracking. It cleared the House yesterday and was expected to be amended by the Senate today, but now with the House having gone home, the Senate will either have to accept the House version or let the bill die. Before today’s legislative meltdown, Dr. Ron Saff called on the Senate to kill the fracking legislation.
“Under these bad bills, these carcinogenic chemicals can be considered propriety business information which would mean they would never be disclosed. Physicians attempting to find out what dangerous chemicals that in the water that caused a patients
Cancer or sickens a workers would find it impossible” says Saff.
The Senate meets tomorrow at 10am.
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