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Games being played over Health Care Expansion

April 24th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Update: 12:00 noon, Saturday, April 24. 2015

The Governor’s Press Office called, asking for a correction to the story below in which we say “We caught up with Rick Scott at an event left off his schedule.” The office contends it was not a state event and only state events are listed on his schedule. So noted. His published schedule for 4/24/15 lists “10:00Am-6:00PM Staff and Call Time”

The first sign of a thaw in frosty relations at the state Capitol over health care expansion and funding has surfaced, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, the reaction has been too little too late.

Florida stands to lose more than a billion in Federal money used to pay hospitals who provide care to people who can’t pay. The funds are being cut off the state hasn’t  expanded heath care for the working poor.

8 weeks into the 4 billion standoff between the Senate, who wants to expand health care, and a House that doesn’t,  the House finally made a first offer. Just 200 million, which would come from tax cuts sought by the Governor.

It’s not sitting well with Senators. Sen. Jack Latvala (R-St. Petersburg0 intimated it was too little too late. “It’s big hole. People are going to go without health care. Hospitals are going to close. You know, we have to deal with that”.

Meanwhile games are being played.

The House is refusing to take up a Senate favored online voter registration bill. Its been on the calendar 8 days.

Earlier this week, Rick Scot called Senators here to his office  and threatened them with vetoes if they didn’t get on board with the House plan. So far that’s not working.

Sen. Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) isn’t fond of the Governor’s tactic. “When you say to a Senator, or a Representative for that matter, all your bills are dead and all your appropriations will be vetoed, you create no way forward”

We caught up with Rick Scott at an event left off his schedule. We asked him about the House’s offer. I’m focused on making sure we get the 670 million in tax cuts. Historic per pupil funding for education, and college affordability, so I’m going to continue to work on that” replied the Governor.

Q” The House offer takes the money from the tax cuts.”

“Bye Bye. See you guys.”

And with each day, Tallahassee looks more like Washington. Dysfunctional

Other causalities in the health care standoff might include some of the Governor’s Agency Heads. So far the Senate has refused to confirm any of them. Each day of a special or extended legislative session is estimated to cost 65 thousand dollars.

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