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Hitting a Donkey with a 2X4

March 26th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

One lawmaker likened legislation making major changes in the body that regulates high school sports in Florida to hitting a donkey on the head with a 2 x 4. The House Education committee today passed legislation requiring a complete shakeup of the governing organization, reorganizing its board and membership, allowing students to attend any school. Sponsor Manny Diaz says the message to the the Florida High School Athletic Association that student athletes are innocent until proven guilty and should be allowed to participate until then.

“We found that the date shows that most of the athletes that go through the appeal process are found eligible at the end of the process. But once they’ve gotten through the process they’ve now missed 30 to 45 days of participation.  So this really allows them, the parents and the school to make a decision if they feel they have as strong case allow them to participate. It they are found eligible at the end, they didn’t miss any time. If they are found ineligible at the en then there is a penalty to the team or the individual” says Diaz.

Opponent Reggie Fullwood of Jacksonville fears the legislation will allow athletes to be recruited or shop for schools.

“The opportunity is now there for kids to enroll in charter schools that don;t have certain sports so they can intentionally go and play for any team they want in the county. I just think there needs to be some clear zones set up so you can’t pick any school in the county” says Fullwood.

The legislation also sets the year 2017 for the Commissioner of Education to recommend whether FHSAA continues regulating sports or if it should be taken over by another entity.

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