Transgender Bathroom Prohibition Approved 7-4
March 18th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaNo state law specifically prohibits a person from using a bathroom intended for the opposite sex. But legislation to create such a law is creating a lot of angst in the State Capitol. Under a bill approved by a committee today, people would have to use the bathroom of the sex listed on their government ID.
They came one by one. Karen Michelle Schrader came from Brooksville. “What is going to happen to me when I walk into a male bathroom. The risk to me is enormous” said the former man.
A Sarasota man born a woman once named Wendy. “I’m 243 pounds. I present as male in society. If I walk into a female bathroom, I am required by law to do so.”
Others, like Grant Drain evoked images of Nazi Germany. “Being required to produce papers on the spot to prove your identity.”
At the center of it all is legislation requiring people to use the bathroom of the gender listed on their drivers license.”
The Christian Family Council Executive Director Anthony Verdugosays the legislation is needed to protect women. “My wife does not want to be in a bathroom with a man, and that is her right.”
John Stemberger of Florida Family Council say it is needed to keep young men out of women’s locker rooms. “this bill will remedy a problem that is emerging. Because things that were unthinkable a generation ago are not only thinkable but are being afforded the protection of law.”
Several members of the committee called it a waste of time.
Rep. John Cortes (R-Kissimmee) called it a waste of time. “You got to go to the bathroom, I don’t care which bathroom it is. You gotta go, you gotta go.”
After losing on a seven-four vote, a handful of protestors marched out of the room chanting “Translives matter! Translives matter!”
The legislation passed picking up one Republican vote. But comments suggest much more work is needed.
AfterwardsSponsor Frank Artiles said no one in transition will have to use a bathroom that conflicts with their values.
But that’s IF they can find a family friendly bathroom.
The legislation has one more committee in the House before being voted upon by the full House. It is yet to have a hearing in the State Senate.
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