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Testing Problems Continue into Day 4

March 5th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Problems continued for some school districts today as students tried to sign on to take a mandated writing test. Democrats say test security has been compromised and the test is no longer a valid assessment tool.

As Education Commissioner Pam Stewart was telling the House Education Committee that test contractor AIR is successfully solving problems.

“And we will continue to be vigilant and monitor exactly what’s happening. In fact, when I leave here, I will have another call with AIR just to be sure we continue to be on track” says Stewart.

Students in South Florida were seeing white screens.

Stewart slipped out a side door to avoid cameras.

In Tampa, Governor Rick Scott told reporters that extra time built into the testing schedule would allow everyone to take the test.

“Many school districts are saying the system has worked for them. The way its set up is they have two additional weeks to get all this accomplished” says Scott.

Joy Frank from the FL School Superintendents Assn. told the committee problems remain. “We don’t know to the extent how un-smooth it is” she said.

Senate Democrats have been calling for the test to not count this year. Now Dwight Bullard says since some students have seen the test, it is no longer valid.

“How many versions of the test are out there. Is everyone going to be on a different one? Because I can promise you this, in the age of cell phones, somebody’s going to screen shot a picture of a prompt, and thus fore cause complete invalidation of the system.”

Contractor AIR  is likely to be hit with a penalty. Commission Pam Stewart told lawmakers that’s not likely to be assessed until the system is working.

And right now, answers on when the system will be performing as expected are elusive

The state says more than 333 thousand students have successfully taken the test over four days, which is 50 point 6 percent of those registered to take the exam. Six days remain in the normal testing cycle.

House Education Chair Marleen O’Toole commended Stewart for her handling of the test debacle and urged members not to “throw the baby out with the bath water” or overact to calls from parents.

At 4:21 PM, DOE providing the following information:

In the first four days of the ten-day, two-week testing window, a total of 333,588 students completed the computer-based writing component. The breakdown is as follows:

Monday: 67,785

Tuesday: 85,421

Wednesday: 76,192

Thursday (as of 3 p.m.): 104,190

Since there are 658,827 students registered to take the computer-based writing component, this number represents more than half – 50.6 percent – of the students expected to take the test.

Some of you have requested a by-county breakdown of students having completed the assessment, so I have also attached a spreadsheet reflecting that information through yesterday.


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