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NAACP Says No To Confederates

February 27th, 2015 by flanews

Should Confederate soldiers from Florida be recognized as Veterans enshrined in the state’s hall of fame? Matt Galka first told us about the story earlier this month, and now tells us the NAACP is saying no.

We first brought you the unique story of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans asking Florida’s Governor and Cabinet to let Confederate soldiers into the state’s veterans hall of fame earlier this month.

“Don’t tell me about he’s a rebel and he did all these other kinds of things. Poppycock! He is an American Veteran, recognize him,” said H.K. Edgerton, an African-American supporter of the Confederates.

The request to put Florida soldiers who fought for the South caused the Governor and Cabinet to delay the inductions of this year’s class.  But the NAACP is saying there’s nothing to think about.

“It’s very much a slap in the face,” said NAACP Tallahassee Chapter President Dale Landry

Landry is a US Army veteran who says the Hall of Fame’s rules are very clear.

“The requirement was that you had to be honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces. The Confederate Army was not a part of the United States Armed Forces,” he said.

The NAACP argues that if you let confederates in, where do you stop?

“The Japanese military, the Japanese army, the Japanese navy, you see? The Germans, the Nazis. I’m sorry but that’s the same to me,” said Landry.

Floridians that fought for the stars and bars that could be nominated for the class include former Governor Edward Perry, David Lang who helped form the National Guard, and former U.S. Senator Samuel Pasco.

The NAACP has launched on online petition opposing Confederate soldiers inclusion in the Hall of Fame.

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