Prison Healthcare Up for Rebid
February 20th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaTwo vendors who won a billion dollar contract to provide health care for prison inmates may be out in the cold. This afternoon, the Department says it intends to issue a new invitation to negotiate. That opens the door for other vendors who lost to re-compete. Reports of deaths and poor service prompted the contract review. Corrections Secretary Julie Jones alerted lawmakers earlier this month that she was unhappy with the current situation.
“I don’t think privatization was the wrong thing to do, we just didn’t do it in the right way. A better better way to have done it would have been an invitation to negotiate. We can go in and talk, basically talk turkey with the vendor to get what we need and not have it prescribed, this is out proposal, take it or leave it” says Jones.
The Privatization is supposed to save the state millions of dollars.
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