Pennsylvania Paper Declares War on Rick Scott Jobs “Poaching”
February 20th, 2015 by Mike VasilindaGovernor Rick Scott will spend Monday and part of Tuesday in Pennsylvania, his first trip since being reelected to try and recruit businesses to move here, But as Mike Vasilinda tells us, he’s getting a cold reception in more ways than one.
One of the major themes of Rick Scott’s second inaugural was his continuing efforts to bring jobs here. “I have a message today for the people of New York, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania, and others. Move to Florida, chimed Scott in his inaugural address.
His first job luring trip starts Monday in chilly Philadelphia. In letters to Pennsylvania papers, Scott says Pennsylvania’s Governor is trying to increase taxes and regulations.
That prompted the Patriot News, Pennsylvania’s capital city newspaper, to declare war.
John L. Micek is the opinion editor who wrote the editorial.
“It seems like a good time to draw a line in the sand. As we note in the editorial, its kind of like inviting someone over to dinner and having them walk off with your best silverware.”
In the tongue in cheek editorial, the paper told people to call Scott and tell them for every job he poaches, they’re taking a Disney character. “If he wants to bring it, let him bring it. He’ll be down to one dwarf and a castle. We’re taking this pretty seriously” says Micek.
The temperature when Scott is in Philadelphia will top out at 21. But Micek points out Florida is having it’s own temperature issues where a hard freeze hit the Capitol city on Friday.
And while it is cold in the northeast, that hasn’t stopped at least two high profile Floridians from taking jobs in Pennsylvania. FSU President Eric Barron left in April for Penn State, Former University Chancellor Frank Brogan took over the PA Chancellor’s job six months earlier.
The tongue in cheek editorial produced more than a hundred responses from readers, many supportive of Scott’s efforts.
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