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Dozier School Investigation may be Reopened

February 19th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

More bodies found

For more than 60 years, the Dozier School for Boys in rural north Florida was a place to be feared, A 2009 investigation by the Department of Law Enforcement found 31 marked and unmarked graves. Now, after researchers found another 20 bodies, Mike Vasilinda tells us, there are calls for a state law enforcement  investigation to be reopened.

When USF researchers began unearthing bodies at the defunct Dozier School for Boys many local residents, including John Perkins and John Cooper were unhappy.

“It’s something that happened 50-60 years ago, you know, let bygones be bygones” says Perkins. Cooper was more blunt:  “I believe it’s going to be a hornets nest.”

A hornets nest indeed.

A report submitted by USF  last month shows researchers uncovered 51 remains….20 more bodies than the Department of Law Enforcement says it located in 2009. The finding has prompted state Agriculture Commission Adam Putnam to ask FDLE to consider another look.

Bill Montford represents the area in the state Senate.  “And we need to close this chapter, this sad chapter in Florida’s history. But to do that, I agree with Commissioner Putnam, lets move forward, lets find out what the answers are.”

“They said they were going to do right, They never wanted to go there again.” says State Senator Arthenia Joyner, who taught school in the 1960, including some who had been to Dozier. She supports opening the investigation.

“How many lives were lost at Dozier?”

Q:”And how, perhaps?”

“Yes, and how those deaths occurred.”

FDLE will only say it has received the letter, and is taking it under advisement.

And without closure for the families…and the community…what happened at Dozier will keep festering like a wound that won’t heal.

USF has only been able to so far identify five of the 51 remains.

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