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Governor Proposes Less Spending, More Tax Cutting

January 28th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Governor Rick Scott’s is recommending a budget that is slightly smaller than last year’s, in part because he wants big tax cuts. Scott is also promoting increases in school funding, status quo on environmental funding and a leaner state work force.

Education sees almost a billion new dollars under the Governor’s budget. A little less than half of it coming from the state. The rest from increased local property values.

“It is a strong budget because our economy is strong” says Scott.

Scott’s plan adds14 million dollars for school safety. Overall there’s 50 dollars a child increase for school operations.

“We’re providing record total and per student funding” boasted the Governor.

24 million would fund Bright Futures for qualified college students who attend summer semesters.

While 75 percent of voters approved increased funding for land conservation, Scott’s plan consolidates what is already being spent into one pot without increasing the overall total. “We put money in the budget that met or exceeded the Amendment One dollars that we put in” explained Scott.

Then there are tax cuts.  “We’re giving Floridians back 673 million dollars in their money.”

Scott says the average family will save forty dollars a year by slashing cable tv and cell phone taxes.

But Cities and major universities are concerned it will short them some money. The concern was acknowledged by Senate President Andy Gardiner. “Certainly there is a local government concern on some aspects, and ah, that needs to be addressed” said Gardiner.

A lean workforce could get leaner. Scott’s plan would eliminate more than a thousand vacant state jobs, charge state employees more for health insurance, but not give them any raises.”

In the end lawmakers have the final say on numbers while Scott has a veto pen.

In addition to cell and cable tv tax cuts, Scott is recommending ending the sales tax for college students buying text books, He would lower the tax on corporations, and eliminate the tax on manufacturing equipment.

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