Amendment 1 Money
January 9th, 2015 by flanewsYou probably voted for it, and now lawmakers have to figure out how to spend guaranteed environmental protection money. As Matt Galka tells us, they’re looking for public input from a surging population.
It wasn’t close when voters passed Amendment 1. 75 percent of Floridians said they wanted the state to devote money to environmental preservation. Now how exactly do we do it?
“I think that the public should have an input because the public overwhelmingly supported the Amendment 1 issue,” said Sen. Greg Evers (R-Pensacola).
A Senate environmental panel introduced a website devoted to public input this week. There’s around $700 million dollars to spend this year alone because the amendment is tied to a property tax in the state.
Environmental groups like the Florida Audubon say that the growing population means the money is more important now than ever.
With the Governor sending a strong message and inviting more people to come to the country’s now third most populous state, Julie Wraithmell with the Florida Audubon says the guaranteed protection money is key.
“If we talk about attracting the best and the brightest, in order to be competitive for those workers in Florida, they need to have a good quality of life, they need to be able to know their kids will be able to fish and swim safely in Florida waters,” she said.
If you want to make your voice heard on Amendment One, go to the Florida Senate’s website at
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