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FSU Shooting Victim Recovering

November 26th, 2014 by flanews

A campus group at FloridaState say last week’s shooting is proof that licensed students should be allowed to carry guns on campus.  Matt Galka tells us more about the push, and spoke to the man who was working in the library before he was shot by a mad gunman.

Nathan Scott is recovering comfortably in his home.  He works at Florida State’s Strozier library, and just about a week ago, his shift started at midnight – about 30 minutes before a gunman started shooting.

“He raised the gun and fired the shot, and we could kind of hear, after, the ‘click, click, click’ going on. There was definitely intent to fire more than one shot,” said Scott.

He showed us the x-ray of where he was shot in the leg.  He says he’s been thinking about how lucky he was that things didn’t end up worse.

Now a campus group says the shooting is proof gun laws need to change.  FSU’s Students for Concealed Carry fired off a letter to lawmakers asking them to reconsider allowing permitted students to carry at school. The group’s president, Erek Cullbreath, says it could have prevented last week’s tragedy.

“That could have never happened, It could have been way worse, it was a packed library, there could have been tens of people killed in the minutes it took for police to respond,” said Cullbreath.

Nathan Scott is a member of the group.  His views haven’t changed even after being a victim of gun violence.

“I mean, yea, if I had a gun I probably would have been at least been able to protect myself, I don’t know if I would have taken it to work,” said Scott.

The law almost changed in 2011 before Florida State’s current president stepped in. When President John Thrasher was a State Senator – he played a big role in keeping the law in place.  Thrasher’s friend Robert Cowie had just lost his daughter, Ashley, in a shooting incident at a Florida State fraternity house. The Senator said he couldn’t support the bill in the months after.

If the law were to be changed, only students 21 and older would be granted a concealed carry permit unless they’ve been honorably discharged from the military.

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