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  • Woodrow Wilson
    "The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it."
  • Thomas Fuller
    "In fair weather prepare for foul."

Gay Marriage Win?

October 7th, 2014 by flanews

It’s a fight that will remain ongoing in Florida.  The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear lower court appeals will most likely legalize same sex marriage in 30 states, but Florida will have to wait.

“It can happen in Florida, I think that we have an opportunity here where Attorney General’s around the country have said it is inevitable and it’s time to give up the fight,” said Equality Florida member Jim VanRiper.

A federal judge overturned the state’s ban on same sex marriage in August – but put a stay on the ruling.  After the high court’s decision, Florida’s ACLU is asking the North Florida judge to end his delay.

“The Supreme Court has spoken on this issue and essentially said we are fine with marriages proceeding, and that’s a great sign for folks everywhere including in Florida. I think it’s a sign that a lot of judges around the country will take a hard look at it,” said ACLU Attorney Daniel Tilley.

Thousands of same sex couples in the state have been waiting for the word that it will be ok to go to the clerk’s office and get a marriage license. State clerks of court say they don’t have a plan yet about what they’ll do if the licenses are granted.

“Florida court clerks and comptrollers are always looking at the information that’s available, always looking at court decisions just like you are, and making the best decisions for the people of Florida,” said Florida Court Clerks President Joe Smith.

Supporters say a huge road block has been Attorney General Pam Bondi.  She has challenged many rulings around the state overturning the ban, and says she defends the Florida constitutions definition of traditional marriage.  Her office said they were reviewing the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision.

The statewide decision on the reversal of Florida’s gay marriage ban has gone to an appeals court in Atlanta. That process may not be completed until summer of 2015.

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Are Police Body Camera’s the Future?

October 6th, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

A video of a grandmother being tased by Tallahassee Police last week has gone viral, and the video is now being cited as an example of why all police officers should wear body cameras.

We know what happened. Police used a taser on 61 year old Viola Young as she walked away.

But we only know because Chon Richard, the man behind the cell phone video decided what was going on was important to document. “I feel that that’s not the type of treatment you’re supposed to give people that are not supposed ot be doing anything. You’re supposed to be here protecting little kids.”

While the camera doesn’t lie….we also don’t know what was said moments before when Officer Terry Mahan reached out and grabbed Grandmother Viola Youngs wrist. He writes in the probable cause affidavit that he told her she was under arrest.

If the officer was wearing a portable mobile camera on his shoulder, or perhaps on a headband, we’d know exactly what was said to the woman who got tased and what she said in response.

Attorney Ben Crump, who is representing the family of Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri says the only way to know for sure is to make police wear body cameras. It’s the video that helps us know what happened, helps us get to transparency, helps us get ot justice” says Crump.

Chon Richard says from what he’s seen in his neighborhood, the cameras would definitely be a good investment.

It shows that, yea, cameras should be involved because that’s the real truth. They’re officers, they’re human, they can lie, too. Or make mistakes” says Richard.

Only a handful of agencies in Florida use the cameras which can cost up to 500 dollars a piece.

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50 Million Dollar Man

October 6th, 2014 by flanews

There’s less than a month to go before the general election, which means the race for Governor is in the final stretch. As Matt Galka tells us, the challenger is turning up the heat by unearthing the skeletons in the Governor’s closet.

John Schilling helped blow the lid off of the billion dollar fraud going on at Columbia/HCA hospital in the late 90’s and early 2000’s while working as an FBI informant.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Rick Scott was the leader of a criminal enterprise.  The fraud at Rick Scott’s company hurt seniors, and it hurt taxpayers, it hurt everyone. It was stealing from the American taxpayer,” said Schilling.

Florida Governor Rick Scott was running the show at hospital chain.  Democrats recruited Schilling to renew the claims against Scott they have tried to dog him with since before winning the election in 2010.

Schilling, a registered Republican, is featured in “the Fraud Files,” a new Democrat attack website aimed at the Governor in the final stretch before the election.

The claims are nothing new, but the Democrats are trying to tie it in with how Rick Scott runs Florida.

“It’s important who your leader is, if they have integrity. I don’t believe that he has the integrity to lead our government,” said Schilling.

The Governor’s office slammed Charlie Crist and his campaign for contacting Schilling.  They called it a desperate attack, and called Charlie Crist a desperate man.

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Medical Marijuana Recommendations

October 3rd, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

A non partisan group made up of supporters and opponents of medical marijuana have released a list of 19 recommendations for lawmakers it Amendment 2 passes. The recommendations include everything from who can be a caregiver to training doctors.

Florida voters will decide if the state will become the 24th to allow the medical use of marijuana. Opposition is heating up.

“The caregiver provision gives legal protection to marijuana dealers” says the No On 2 TV spot. No on 2 is spending 1 point severn million dollars to question the amendments wording.

“So what looks like a safeguard is really a loophole” concludes the ad.

Susan Kelsey, the attorney for No On 2 says “there is no age limit and coupled with that, Amendment two has a very broad confidentiality provision. The identity and all records of patients who are using medical pot have to be kept confidential.”

But a blue ribbon commission has come out with 19 recommendations for lawmakers if the amendment passes. Among them…make sure parents accompany minors to doctor appointments and the caregivers not be felons.

The Blue ribbon commission that came up with these recommendation say there are no loopholes in Amendment 2…they say these are designed to put the meat on the bones of the amendment, if you will.

Jon Mills of Florida for Care says concepts and rights belong int he constitution. Details are for implementing laws. “These details are the implementation of that. So, yeah, you have details like what kind of qualifications a caregiver might have. And they would certainly have background screenings” says Mills.

Other recommendations include creating sworn enforcement officers within the Department of Health,  and prescribing how and where medical marijuana may be grown. All things supporters say don’t belong in the constitution.

No on 2 debuted a second commercial today, questioning the medical value of marijuana, but a recent study from states with medical marijuana laws found fewer people are dying from prescription overdoes.

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Mangum Induction

October 3rd, 2014 by flanews

Florida A and M officially installed their 11th president today.  As Matt Galka tells us, the challenge of getting over a string of recent problems that have marred the school has been accepted.

Elmira Mangum was all smiles at her installation ceremony.  The school’s first female president waited until the university’s 127th birthday to make things official.

“There are many open doors that we must go through, and there are many doors that we need to shut.  But most of all we must keep the doors open that lead to a better life, and a brighter future for our students,” said Dr. Mangum.

Mangum will try to right the ship for a university still suffering from the hazing death of Drum Major Robert Champion and dealing with steep enrollment drop offs in the last three years.

Alumni and State Senator Arthenia Joyner says Mangum provides hope.

“We view what happened as some stumbling blocks, but FAMU has not fallen from the mantle,” said Sen. Joyner (D-Tampa).

The inauguration concludes a week of events for the president who’s actually been on the job since April.

Mangum took the job just as State Senator, and next Florida State University President, John Thrasher was looking to split the two school’s joint engineering programs. She’s not settling for a great divide.

“I still need affordable and accessible education in all programs, so I still need engineering, yes I do,” said Dr. Mangum.

Former president James Ammons, who resigned amid the hazing scandal, says FAMU is in good hands.

“This is a perfect match for the needs of Florida A&M University at this time and her skill set,” said Dr. Ammons.

The university had been without a permanent president for nearly two years before Mangum took over.  She is the fourth different president for the school since 2001.

Mangum says the next step is getting alumni to reinvest in their alma mater.

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DCF Questions

October 2nd, 2014 by flanews

A preliminary report from Florida’s Department of Children and Families says they could not have prevented the tragic murders in Bell, Florida.  As Matt Galka tells us, DCF admits mistakes, but they haven’t been answering questions.

Don Spirit went on a rampage that left his six grandchildren and his daughter dead before he killed himself. Florida’s Department of Children and Families released a report Wednesday saying nothing could have predicted what happened, even though Spirit had a record marred with red flags.

We have reached out to DCF every day this week about the investigation. Through emais and through phone calls, but no one has gotten back to us.

The report admits that the department missed chronic issues with the family.  Meg Baldwin runs the Refuge House, a domestic violence help center.  She says it’s important to learn from the missteps.

“I hope hatever red flags we saw here or whatever different steps we might take in the future to prevent such a homicide, that we will do so,” said Baldwin.

The department did announce reforms ranging from retraining to additional reviews.  But Roy Miller with the Florida Children’s Campaign says it’s too little too late from the state agency.

“Case by case shouldn’t matter, we need more systemic reform. In the major urban areas, six of them, sheriff’s do the investigations, we ought to be going down that path,” said Miller.

The interim secretary for DCF announced he’ll be touring the all of the department’s regional facilities in the state starting next week. More than 250 new positions were added to the department this past legislative session.  37 of them will be used for an independent review system of open cases.

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Outrage Over Grandmother Hit with Taser Growing

October 2nd, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Outrage over a grandmother being hit with a police taser is building in the state Capitol. Prosecutors said today they want answers quickly.

The use of a taser against grandmother Viola Young appears to be contrary to the Tallahassee Police Departments Use of Force guidelines which were changed when a new chief took over in December. They call for officers to de-escalate encounters with citizens or suspects.

Young’s daughter Laguana says her mother is still shaken. “She’s not good. She’s been up and down, still. I can’t speak to whether she got hurt. You’ll have to ask her lawyer about her.”

Attorney Ben Crump has represented Martin Lee Anderson’s family, Trayvon Martins Family, and Michael Browns Family in Ferguson. He is not involved in this case, but says the video says it all. Q:”Excessive force?” “Absolutely excessive force. She posed no threat as she was walking away.”

During the incident, the person who shot the cell phone video it is heard to say this about police “And they wonder why they are hated.”

Young’s neighbor LaFonda Cook says the comment is sad but true. “We were raised to be Officer Friendly. And now a days we have to tach out kids to go in the opposite direction because of incidents like this. If you’ll do this to an elderly woman, what will you do on our children.”

There is a fear that outrage in this community is building. For that reason, State Attorney Willie Meggs wants a speedy investigation. “It needs to be done and done rapidly, though” says Meggs.

Both the grandmother and the police officer, whose been placed on leave,  have hired attorneys.

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Trimming the Fat

October 1st, 2014 by flanews

State officials want to make sure Floridians aren’t loosening their belts and packing on the pounds this fall. As Matt Galka tells us, the department of Health will ramp up their healthiest weight efforts this fall, and numbers show we are on the right track.

Jennifer Santa Cruz is trying to make exercise part of her daily routine.

“Bring up the cardio, trying to get fit,” she said as she went for her daily walk outside.

That’s exactly what the Department of Health wants to hear. They are reminding people about their Healthiest Weight Florida initiative this fall.  Surgeon General Dr. John Armstrong says only 36% of Floridians are at a healthy weight.

“What concerns me even more is that on that trend, by 2030, six out of 10 babies born could be obese or overweight before graudating high school. That’s not the future anybody wants for our state,” said Dr. Armstrong.

But there’s hope.  Since the program started last year, Florida has made strides in the right direction.

:We are bending the weight curve in Florida. Currently, the obesity rate in Florida is nearly 2 percentage points less than the United States. We are the healthiest weight state in the south,” said the Surgeon General.

Experts say the solution to the problem is an easy one. Something as simple as a five minute walk per day can help.

Dietitian Katie Snyder sees patients every day about weight loss. She replaced her chair with an exercise ball to show clients how easy it was to burn a few more calories.

“Even if you put your shoes on and you walk down to the driveway to get your mail, that’s something.” she said.

Since the program started, Florida has moved into the top 15 for healthiest weight states in the country. If you want to see how you’re area is doing, you can go online to www.floridacharts.com and click on “Healthiest Weight.”

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62 Year Old Grandmother Hit with Taser, Officer Placed on Leave

October 1st, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

A Tallahassee police officer is on administrative leave after being videotaped using his taser on a 62 year old grandmother who appears to be walking away from the officer. The woman approached police inquiring about her daughter, one of three people being arrested.

Officers are seen telling 62 year old Viola Young..who is off camera to stay back. Then, Officer Terry Mahan approaches her,  grabs her hand, and as she breaks free, he pulls out his taser. A loud snap is heard on the video.

No one at this house where the cell phone video was taken would talk with us.”I don’t want to go on camera” said witness William Gibson,  but Gibson did agree to talk with us, as long as we didn’t put his face on camera. “and what did you think as you saw it?” we asked.  “Ah, my lord. They done tased this old lady for no reason.”

Officers were in the area because of suspected drug activity.The incident began when they stopped three people for walking down the middle of the street…on a street with no sidewalks. The daughter of the woman hit with the taser was one of the three. She was charged with resisting arrest thus violating her parole.

Once the video was given to police, TPD Spokesman David Northway says the officer was put on administrative lead. “We are providing you with this information, along with the video, so that we can be transparent” says Northway.

A year ago, another TPD video made national news. Christina West was charged with DUI, and was then thrown to the ground. She sued in Federal court and recently settled for 475 Thousand dollars. Her attorney Fred Conrad says the video was important. “Yeah, I wonder if we didn’t have the video if we’d probably still be litigating” says Conrad.

The taser victim in this case was charged with resisting arrest without violence, taken to the hospital and released. She has since hired an attorney.

Following the brutal takedown in 2013, then Police Chief Dennis Jones resigned. The current chief, Michael DeLeo took over on December 30th, 2013.

Community activists are calling on the State’s Attorney to file charges against the officer rather than take the case to a grand jury. They argue a grand jury has never indicted a police officer for unreasonable use of force.


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