Star Power
October 30th, 2014 by flanewsThe silly season of election time is almost over, and as Matt Galka tells us, candidates are bringing out the big guns, and big names, in a last second effort to drive voters to the polls.
They were wasting away in Tallahassee-ville Wednesday night. The premiere Parrothead, Jimmy Buffett, stumped for Democratic Congressional Candidate Gwen Graham. Her campaign against incumbent Steve Southerland is one of the most watched in the country.
“It’s pretty simple: enemy of the ocean, or Gwen Graham? Oh, duh!” said Buffett before launching into song.
Southerland used star power of his own last week. He campaigned with Florida Senator, and possible future presidential candidate Marco Rubio.
“I came here to do two things, Number one is to give testimony to what a great Congressman Steve Southerland has been,” said Rubio.
The two frontrunners for Governor are hoping some big names push their campaigns over the top, too. Former president Bill Clinton is trying to give Charlie Crist a boost in the days before the election. The Governor is countering with Jeb Bush. Both political figures have cut ads for their candidates.
Experts say all this star power adds up to…not much. Voter enthusiasm might increase but there’s nothing to indicate numbers are swayed. The recent celebrity rallies were meant to remind people to participate in early voting which ends this weekend.
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