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Laughing Stock Again

October 17th, 2014 by flanews

Add another national headline grabbing political mess to Florida’s list. As Matt Galka tells us, an electric fan has made great fodder for mainstream comedians.

Stuff has definitely hit the fan in Florida.

It’s the gubernatorial gaffe that has put much more attention on the Governor’s race. Governor Rick Scott didn’t show up on stage for seven minutes thanks to Democrat Charlie Crist’s fan.  Comedians were gifted new material for one of their favorite targets.

Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report and The Daily Show tore the state apart thanks to the incident. Governor Scott has been a favorite target of Jon Stewart and co. in the past.

What seems like such a petty issue overshadowed the debate and may change who’s in the Governor’s mansion come 2015.

The rules stated that no electronics, including fans were allowed for the debate. But Crist’s team handwrote on their agreement that “debate hosts will address any temperature issues if necessary.

Debate organizers say the fan violated rules. Each party gives their own version.

“Charlie Crist was allowed to bring the fan on, he was wired on the stage for a fan both at Charlie’s podium and Rick Scott’s,” said Crist’s spokesman Kevin Cate.

“Essentially, Charlie again, was pitching a fit, because he was trying to break the rules, which he did,” said Republican Party of Florida Chair Leslie Dougher.

The answers don’t exactly blow you away.

Both candidates have used the fan as a launching point for a last stretch fundraising campaign leading up to November’s election.

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