October 16th, 2014 by flanewsFlorida’s 2nd Gubernatorial debate has gone viral, but not thanks any of the candidates stances on the issues. Matt Galka brings us the fallout of what can only be described as #FanGate.
They started out with sketch comedy rather than debating the economy. Rick Scott didn’t show up to the podium for seven minutes thanks to a disagreement over opponent Charlie Crist’s fan.
The delay gave Crist his own platform and caused the incident to go viral.
Political scientist Caroll Weissert said it’s one of the strangest things she’s ever seen.
“Bizarre, it was a bizarre move, yea. I think it elevated the debate from one that maybe the citizens of Florida watched, to one that maybe people will be watching all over the country, and not in a good way,” said Weissert, a professor at Florida State.
The fan is never far from Charlie Crist because, he doesn’t like to sweat. Now it’s the G.O.P who may be sweating the situation. Insiders are trying to distance themselves from the The Republican Party of Florida says the Governor never refused to take the stage, they were told Crist was in an emergency meeting about the device.
Four years ago, a Democrat gaffe that showed Alex Sink looking at a cell phone during a debate with Scott helped propel the current Governor to a win. 20 years ago, Lawton Chiles used an odd phrase to help seal his victory over Jeb Bush.
This could be a turning point in 2014’s election, but we’ll know in less than three weeks whether that’s just hot air.
The rules did specifically state no electronics, including fans, were to be used. The temperature around debate time on stage was 66 degrees, according to the organization that put it on.
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