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Charges Dropped Against Grandmother and Others in Taser Case

October 13th, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

A 61 year old grandmother who was hit with a taser in the back by a Tallahassee Police officer has had charges of resisting arrest dropped. The State Attorney says the whole incident was unnecessary.

61 year old Viola Young is seen in this cell phone video slipping her hand away from a Tallahassee Police Officer and turning away. She fell like a load of bricks after being hit by a taser.

She and three others, including her daughter, were charged with resisting arrest. State Attorney Willie Meggs has dropped the charges and says they should never have ever been filed. “That whole event just did not need to take place. It was just an unnecessary event” says Meggs.

No one answered at the home Monday. Police reports say the incident started when people were walking in the street.

Within the last six months, there have been more than 200 reported crimes, all within a quarter mile of this address.

But crime ridden or not, the State attorney says the initial premise of stopping the three was bogus. “When the officer drove by, the folks got out of the roadway. After he passed by, they stepped back into the…the stepped to the side of the road.

8 new police officers were sworn in Monday. In keynote remarks, Chief Michael DeLeo called for professionalism without mentioning the case by name. “Our values mandate that our decisions are based on what we should do, not what we can do” the Chief told the new hires.

We asked if the Chief had a reaction to the charges being dropped. The response: “I can’t make any comment on that case right now. It’s an open internal investigation.”

Officer Terry Mahan remains on administrative leave.

Through an email exchange with the grandmothers attorney, she declined to be interviewed…for now.”

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