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Can You Hear Me Now?

October 9th, 2014 by flanews

Do you feel like your cell phone bill is just way too high? As Matt Galka explains, Florida is dubbed as a tax haven, but not when it comes to mobile phone taxes.

Here in Florida, a new study says we are getting taxed on our mobile devices almost more than any other state.

“What we pay is about the twice the percentage on your cell phone tax than we do on sales tax, the highest sales tax in the state is 7.5 percent, in some places as low as 6, communications services tax averages about 14 percent, and can reach about 16 percent,” said Robert Weissert with Florida TaxWatch.

Florida TaxWatch says that it’s out of the ordinary for Floridians to get hit with high taxes, but the state’s communication tax system is complicated, and outdated.

There have been proposals to cut the taxes, but they’ve gotten hung up in the legislature

Cell phones get hit with a state, local and federal tax.  Pay as you go phones are usually exempt from the fees.  The revenue helps pay for critical services like police and fire dispatch.

The Governor has proposed cutting fees if re-elected. But the Florida Association of Counties says the whole system needs an update first.

“I think we’d like to see everything straightened out, we want to continue to empower our communities so that they can serve our citizens, but we definitely understand that there’s a need to simplify this process,” said Cragin Mosteller, an F.A.C. spokeswoman.

An estimated 40 percent of adults have ditched the land line for just wireless.

Oregon had the best cell phone tax rates with customers paying a little under 2 percent extra on their mobile phone bills. Floridians are paying nearly 15 percent more.

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