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Gay Marriage Win?

October 7th, 2014 by flanews

It’s a fight that will remain ongoing in Florida.  The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear lower court appeals will most likely legalize same sex marriage in 30 states, but Florida will have to wait.

“It can happen in Florida, I think that we have an opportunity here where Attorney General’s around the country have said it is inevitable and it’s time to give up the fight,” said Equality Florida member Jim VanRiper.

A federal judge overturned the state’s ban on same sex marriage in August – but put a stay on the ruling.  After the high court’s decision, Florida’s ACLU is asking the North Florida judge to end his delay.

“The Supreme Court has spoken on this issue and essentially said we are fine with marriages proceeding, and that’s a great sign for folks everywhere including in Florida. I think it’s a sign that a lot of judges around the country will take a hard look at it,” said ACLU Attorney Daniel Tilley.

Thousands of same sex couples in the state have been waiting for the word that it will be ok to go to the clerk’s office and get a marriage license. State clerks of court say they don’t have a plan yet about what they’ll do if the licenses are granted.

“Florida court clerks and comptrollers are always looking at the information that’s available, always looking at court decisions just like you are, and making the best decisions for the people of Florida,” said Florida Court Clerks President Joe Smith.

Supporters say a huge road block has been Attorney General Pam Bondi.  She has challenged many rulings around the state overturning the ban, and says she defends the Florida constitutions definition of traditional marriage.  Her office said they were reviewing the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision.

The statewide decision on the reversal of Florida’s gay marriage ban has gone to an appeals court in Atlanta. That process may not be completed until summer of 2015.

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