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50 Million Dollar Man

October 6th, 2014 by flanews

There’s less than a month to go before the general election, which means the race for Governor is in the final stretch. As Matt Galka tells us, the challenger is turning up the heat by unearthing the skeletons in the Governor’s closet.

John Schilling helped blow the lid off of the billion dollar fraud going on at Columbia/HCA hospital in the late 90’s and early 2000’s while working as an FBI informant.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Rick Scott was the leader of a criminal enterprise.  The fraud at Rick Scott’s company hurt seniors, and it hurt taxpayers, it hurt everyone. It was stealing from the American taxpayer,” said Schilling.

Florida Governor Rick Scott was running the show at hospital chain.  Democrats recruited Schilling to renew the claims against Scott they have tried to dog him with since before winning the election in 2010.

Schilling, a registered Republican, is featured in “the Fraud Files,” a new Democrat attack website aimed at the Governor in the final stretch before the election.

The claims are nothing new, but the Democrats are trying to tie it in with how Rick Scott runs Florida.

“It’s important who your leader is, if they have integrity. I don’t believe that he has the integrity to lead our government,” said Schilling.

The Governor’s office slammed Charlie Crist and his campaign for contacting Schilling.  They called it a desperate attack, and called Charlie Crist a desperate man.

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