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Outrage Over Grandmother Hit with Taser Growing

October 2nd, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Outrage over a grandmother being hit with a police taser is building in the state Capitol. Prosecutors said today they want answers quickly.

The use of a taser against grandmother Viola Young appears to be contrary to the Tallahassee Police Departments Use of Force guidelines which were changed when a new chief took over in December. They call for officers to de-escalate encounters with citizens or suspects.

Young’s daughter Laguana says her mother is still shaken. “She’s not good. She’s been up and down, still. I can’t speak to whether she got hurt. You’ll have to ask her lawyer about her.”

Attorney Ben Crump has represented Martin Lee Anderson’s family, Trayvon Martins Family, and Michael Browns Family in Ferguson. He is not involved in this case, but says the video says it all. Q:”Excessive force?” “Absolutely excessive force. She posed no threat as she was walking away.”

During the incident, the person who shot the cell phone video it is heard to say this about police “And they wonder why they are hated.”

Young’s neighbor LaFonda Cook says the comment is sad but true. “We were raised to be Officer Friendly. And now a days we have to tach out kids to go in the opposite direction because of incidents like this. If you’ll do this to an elderly woman, what will you do on our children.”

There is a fear that outrage in this community is building. For that reason, State Attorney Willie Meggs wants a speedy investigation. “It needs to be done and done rapidly, though” says Meggs.

Both the grandmother and the police officer, whose been placed on leave,  have hired attorneys.

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