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Shopping With Putnam

September 19th, 2014 by flanews

The third and final tax free shopping weekend of the year starts today. Matt Galka tags along with the state official who pushed for the three day tax break on energy saving items.

Agriculture commissioner Adam Putnam took advantage of some tax free items Friday. Putnam pushed for the three day break on energy efficient appliances. Customers can buy up to $1500 dollars worth of products tax free – as long as they have an energy star label.

“Some people wait until things are broken to replace them, but if you need a new water heater, if you need a new refrigerator, now is the time to do it,” said Putnam.

The break mostly applies to big ticket items.

“If you bought like a $1500 dollar refrigerator and took 7 percent off of that, you’re looking at around 100 dollars savings on a refrigerator,” said Lowe’s Assistant Store Manager Todd Gruessing.

But customers can save a few bucks on long-lasting light bulbs, too. The commissioner spent a little over $100 dollars.

This sales tax holiday might be less successful than the other two, but that doesn’t mean they won’t push for more days next year.

“We would love to see for retailers, to have it spread over two weekends would be great,” said Samantha Padgett with the Florida Retail Federation.

Hurricane supplies and back-to-school tax holidays already saved shoppers millions this year. Customer Desire Esellam says he is trying to take advantage again.

“I profited because it was tax free and I went out and shopped, so it is a good idea. 7% is a lot of money,” he said.

The state estimates the last tax free weekend will save shoppers around $900,000. If you’re thinking about a new dishwasher, fridge, air conditioner, ceiling fan, or anything that is energy efficient, you’ll have until Sunday night to cash in on the savings.

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