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Marijuana Revisions

September 10th, 2014 by flanews

The Department of Health is responding to questions raised by the legislature over the state’s new non-euphoric medical marijuana law.  As Matt Galka tells us, the revisions don’t get the drugs on the market any sooner.

Following what was supposed to be the final hearing on Florida’s non-euphoric medical marijuana law, the Department of Health is still tweaking some things.

A revision put out by the department addresses questions from the legislature and public about implementation of the seizure medication known as Charlotte’s Web.  The main change clears up ownership rules for who can apply to be a dispenser.  Grower advocate Jeff Sharkey says the change will help businesses and patients, but it’s still a work in progress.

“I think this is an imperfect piece of legislation that was passed, I don’t think the legislature really had the wherewithal to really understand what it would take to get this thing to be a practical, rational regulatory framework for a dispensing business,” said Sharkey.

The revisions may be clearing some things up, but they’ll also be causing a delay.

The change requires a 21 day notification period. Then a legislative committee must certify the new rules and the state department needs to adopt them – another 20 day process. Finally, applicants looking for one of the 5 state issued licenses will have 15 days to apply.

A lottery system to determine the 5 dispenser for the state is still in place. Something the Florida Medical Cannabis Association is on the fence about.

“They believe that it will expedite the process, and so for that I’m thankful, but I’m torn because I want it to be the best applicant but I want it in the hands of kids as quickly as possible,” said Ron Watson with the group.

If all the dates hold, the process will be done November 4th, the same day voters will decide on a broader medical marijuana law. If the medical marijuana ballot amendment passes in November, it is unclear how it would affect Charlotte’s Web.  The medicine is expected to be ready by spring of 2015.

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