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Supporting the Obvious

August 5th, 2014 by flanews

Climate change and environmental issues have been one of the hottest issues for the Governor’s race.  As Matt Galka tells us, the Governor is promising more money if he gets re-elected, but it might not matter who wins in November.

Governor Rick Scott is trying to show people he’s serious about environmental protection after a very spotty first term.  The Governor is touting a $1 billion dollar environmental spending plan for the next 10 years if he’s re elected.

But Amendment 1 on November’s ballot will direct much, much more money into water, springs, and land projects for two decades instead of just one.

“What amendment 1 would do is dedicate funding to the state constitution to protect our lakes, rivers, and streams, our drinking water quality, our wildlife habitat and our natural areas, all without increasing taxes,” said Will Abberger with The Trust for Public Land.

The second term promises from the Governor include tighter restrictions on polluters. Enviro-law firm Earth Justice says it’s a good start, but Florida needs longer than just one decade.

“{With amendment 1} You’re talking about 20 years, and the drafters of the amendment believe that it could end up actually promoting as much as 10 billion dollars in conservation funds,” said Alisa Coe, a lawyer with the firm.

The move comes at a time when the Governor was taking major heat for his stance on climate change. His non-committal “I’m not a scientist” words on climate change have been used as fodder for likely Gubernatorial foe Charlie Crist.  The issue could be a factor in November’s election.

It is widely expected that lawmakers will look to add more money to water and land protection projects next legislative session after only $30 million dollars was allocated for springs protections this year.

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