Redistricting Special Session Set for Thursday, Election Uncertain
August 4th, 2014 by Mike VasilindaFlorida lawmakers will be back at the Capitol at noon Thursday to redraw at the states congressional maps. But as Mike Vasilinda tells us, what remains up in the air is whether there will be a special election, and if so, for how many districts and counties.
Legislative staff say leadership’s intent is to make as few changes as possible to maps and satisfy the courts. That could mean moving just two percent of the voters of sprawling district 5.There is also a problem with this appendage in District 10Until new maps are approved and the judge rules…answers on a special congressional election will remain allusive.Leon Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho, a former President of the State Association says uncertainties abound. “Right now there are so many uncertainties, we don’t know until we see a map adopted that we can start planning for…we don’t know what to prepare for” says Sancho.
One plan being circulated calls for using the November election to hold a congressional primary. A special election to follow in late December or early January. Ron Labasky represents the state wide Supervisors of Elections in the State Capitol. “In those revised districts, however number many those are, two or five, those would be the only districts that would be affected in this current election cycle” if there were a special election.
A memo calling a special session for Thursday is blunt. It says leadership will “continue to maintain our strong objection to any attempt to disrupt the current election process.”
“Once a decision is made, there’s always possible appeal by one or any number of the parties” says Labasky, who is quick to point out they will do whatever the courts tell them to do.
Special elections can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for every county involved. Who pays? County taxpayers.
Statewide, more than one point eight million ballots have already been mailed using the current congressional maps.
Lawmakers must submit new maps on August 15th. A court hearing is scheduled for the 20th of August, just six days before the August primary.
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