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Crist Leads Scott in Quinnipiac Poll…for Now

July 23rd, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Charlie Crist leads Rick Scott 45-40 in a new poll by Quinnipiac University out today. But the lead disappears when Libertarian candidate Adrian Wyllie is put into the mix. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, voters are also tired of negative ads and don’t really like either major candidate

If the election were held today, the Governor’s race would be too close to call. While Charlie Crist has a slight lead over Rick Scott in a two way matchup, the addition of Libertarian Adrian Wyllie to the mix takes independent voters from Crist. Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says Wyllie is gaining from voter dissatisfaction. “And that is almost a certainly a reflection of some unhappiness in the electorate with the tone of the campaign” says Brown.

Millions have already been spent on mostly negative ads.

The poll suggests voters have had enough.

Both Scott and Crist are rated favorably by just 40 percent….but 45 percent give Scott Unfavorable marks while 42 percent give thumbs down to Crist. Brown says the divisiveness is having an impact.  “You can’t throw mud without getting some on yourself, and that seems to be what’s happening to Mr. Crist and Mr. Scott” says Brown.

An important thing to remember about this poll is that it is of registered voters…not likely voters.”

The poll is also skewed heavily with independents..32%  Rick Scott’s campaign was quick to point out the poll had just 28% Republicans while in the 2010 election, GOP voters made up 44 percent of those who went to the polls. Quinnipiac’s Brown dismissed the criticism.

“We do not weight that to any standard, because there is no standard. Party identification is a changing standard…ah, a changing number.”

The only place Scott gets high marks is for leadership.

Voters also say they don’t trust either candidate to be honest and trustworthy…another function of negative advertising.

We reached out to the Adrian Wyllie campaign for a response to the poll. This is what they said “”What these poll numbers show is that the people of Florida are quickly being disenfranchised by the two party system and their presumed nominees, Rick Scott and Charlie Crist, while our message is resonating well.”

I’m Mike Vasilinda in Tallahassee, where a new poll shows shows Charlie Crist leading Rick Scott…maybe. I’ll tell you what it really says.”






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