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Jobs Report is Good, and People are Staying Put

July 18th, 2014 by flanews

Florida led the country in job growth for June. A nice rebound from May, when the state was tops for job losses.  And, as Matt Galka tells us, job seekers in the state aren’t looking elsewhere in the country for work.

The latest unemployment report for Florida was good. The Governor stuck to his usual message and announced the improvements at a stop in Bonita Springs.

“What I’m going to do is everything we can do to get more jobs,” said Gov. Rick Scott (R-Florida).

The state’s 6.2 percent unemployment rate, however, was higher than the national average for the first time in more than a year.

“In terms of the national unemployment rate, it’s great news that the national rate is going down. As our labor force continues to grow, of course our rate will decline at a slightly lesser pace,” said Department of Economic Opportunity Executive Director Jesse Panuccio.

The state’s rate has hovered around 6.2 and 6.3 percent since December. Even though the unemployment rate has remained pretty much the same for the first half of 2014, a new report suggests people are staying put.

A report from jobs website Indeed.com says that Florida checks in at number 2 for job seekers least likely to look out of state for a new gig.

“They believe their future is secure here and one of the most interesting parts of it is I believe one of the highest percentages on record of people thinking it’s a good time to buy a capital good like a car or a house,” said Florida TaxWatch Chief Economist Jerry Parrish.

The Department of Economic Opportunity agreed the trend is a good sign.

“People are staying here and realizing that we do have job growth, this is a state of opportunity again,” said Panuccio.

Another factor in people staying put: climate.  Cold weather states saw a significant jump in out of state employment seekers during the winter. The state with the most unemployed looking for work in another place? Wyoming, with nearly 48% of job seekers applying elsewhere.

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