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Here Comes a Lawsuit

July 16th, 2014 by flanews

Legislation signed by the Governor changed the way special needs students receive scholarships and expanded corporate voucher scholarships. Now, as Matt Galka tells us, that piece of legislation is at the center of a lawsuit from the state’s biggest teacher’s union.

Tom Fasse is a high school social studies teacher in Southwest Florida.  He says the way Florida’s legislature passed an education bill at the end of this year’s session will become fodder for future lessons.

“This will be a perfect example of ‘here’s how you not do a bill correctly as the way the constitution plays it out,” he said.

Fassee joined the Florida Education Association in announcing a lawsuit against the Governor and education commissioner.  SB 850 – officially known as a bill relating to education – is being challenged.


“We believe they added pieces into it and tied things together that were so loosely tied together that it’s not the way that laws are to be made,” said FEA Vice President Joanne McCall.


The lawsuit says a final day 141 page amendment allowing for corporate scholarship vouchers to expand to more families was unconstitutional


Ron Meyer


Matt Galka Standup

Former Governor Jeb Bush’s “Foundation For Excellence in Education” called the lawsuit a new low for the FEA


The bill created accounts for parents to choose schools and therapy centers for kids and eliminated testing for students with special needs.




The FEA hopes for a speedy process. They want voucher expansion to be stopped before kids return to school in the fall.


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