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The Business of Pot

July 8th, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Marijuana went on sale today in Washington as it became the second state to legalize recreational marijuana. Colorado opened store fronts selling pot in January. Here in Florida, as Mike Vasilinda tells us, the business of pot was front and center at a hearing this week on how the state will regulate a very narrow kind of non high producing marijuana.

Idaho Springs, Colorado, population just over 1700. People come from miles around to buy legal and medical marijuana. Brian Vicente, who organized the push for legalizations says it has been good for Colorado. “We’re produced almost ten thousand news jobs in this field, We’ve produced, you know, tens of millions of dollars of tax revenue every year” says the Pot campaign veteran.

And judging from the attendance at a workshop developing rules for the sale of low THC marijuana, there is money to be made. Heather Zabinofsky came from California with 40 years experience, telling health officials “When is the right time to pull that plant? When is the right time? And you don’t dry them upside down!”

More than 40 Growers from across Florida are interested in just 5 licenses to grow marijuana…Initial setup: about two million. They came with high powered lobbyists familiar to capitol insiders.

The growers applying for licenses are looking past low dose THC. They’re hoping voters will approve Amendment 2.

The number of people who could be prescribed low dose THC could be 50 thousand, It could grow to more than a million if the full medical marijuana amendment becomes law.

One high profile lobbyist has already formed the The Medical Marijuana Business Association of Florida (MMBAF).

And in Colorado, many pot shops are members of national business lobby groups…All evidence the business of pot is moving from the street corner to the board room.

While Florida isn’t talking about full legalization, a recent poll shows the medical marijuana amendment being supported by seven out of ten likely voters. It will need sixty percent to pass.



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