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New Traffic Laws

July 2nd, 2014 by flanews

The first of July means new laws are kicking in. Matt Galka tells us about two traffic laws – one that passed – and the other one that was vetoed over safety concerns.

Aaron Cohen was a Miami cyclist who was struck and killed by a hit and run driver in 2012.  The driver who killed him admitted he was drunk but prosecutors couldn’t prove it. The case outraged the Mothers Against Drunk Driving

“80 percent of all hit and runs are DUI. That’s huge. We need to stop that,” said MADD advocate Helen Witty.

Legislation named for Cohen was passed and will be put into action now that the calendar has turned over to July.  Hit and run offenders who kill someone face a mandatory minimum of four years. Drunk drivers who flee will also see prison time bumped up to four years.  The Florida Highway Patrol says the law is the right thing to do.

“Now it enhances the penalties. When you leave the scene you’re making yourself a bigger criminal than you were prior. The message is, stay at the scene and you won’t go to jail,” said FHP Captain Nancy Rasmussen.

A bill also passed the legislature that would have allowed highway speed limits to increase to 75, but Florida’s Governor said ‘not so fast.’

“I’ve heard from sheriff’s around the state and other law enforcement asking me to veto the bill. I am going to stand with law enforcement. I want everyone to stay safe, I don’t want anybody to be injured,” said Gov. Rick Scott in May.

The speed limit increase bill was the only one to be vetoed by the Governor.  Highway patrol trooper Chelsea Richard was killed on I-75 the day after the lawmakers passed the proposal. Pleas from troopers at her funeral helped convince Rick Scott.

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