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Medical Marijuana Amendment Draws Stiff Opposition

June 10th, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Voters can expect a spirited and expensive campaign over medical marijuana this fall.   Vote No on 2 is raising millions of dollars to fight the amendment, as millions are being spent to support it.  Now a second anti pot group joined the fray this afternoon.

Don’t let Florida Go to Pot is backed by Florida Sheriffs, save our society from Drugs, and Drug Free America. “It’s wrought with loopholes. It is very cleverly written so there can be use and abuse” says Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd when talking about Amendment two.

“Sure, They call it medical marijuana” is one line from an anti pot video produced by Vote No on Two.  Vote No on 2 says the amendment allowing medical marijuana could lead to marijuana for everyone.

“Amendment two. It legalizes drug dealers. It allows teens to buy pot without parental consent.”

But the amendment allowing medical marijuana gives rule making authority to the state department of health to regulate Who, how much and how often. Consultant Brian Vicente was active in Colorado’s medical marijuana and legalization efforts. He says approval means going from the unknown to the known. “And the person purchasing it understands that the product they are buying isn’t something that was sprayed with chemicals,  they actually know the composition of what they are buying, and they can actually talk to someone that understands what it will do for their ailment” says Vincente.

Pro marijuana forces have raised just over five million. Vote no on two reported raising two point six million last month. The vote no on amendment two folks say they will spend whatever it takes to defeat the medical marijuana amendment.

21 states and the District of Columbia already allow some form of medical marijuana. Whether Florida becomes the 22nd will be the subject of millions spent educating people on both sides.  Opponents say nearly half a million people will qualify for medical marijuana, and that more than 1800 shops will open in Florida.


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