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I Wanna Drive 75

April 24th, 2014 by flanews

The Florida Senate is still in session at this hour and is expected to take up and pass legislation that would allow the speed limit to go up to 75 miles an hour before they go home tonight. The measure allows but doesn’t mandate higher speeds.

Florida may soon be the 17th state to raise the speed limit on interstate highways. Under legislation nearing a final vote, speeds of 75 miles an hour would be allowed, but only after a study by the Department of Transportation.

“This bill allows the Department of Transportation to look at minimum speeds and maximum speeds and adjust them to where they feel that’s appropriate based on safety,” said Senator Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg).

During questioning on the Senate floor, Senator Maria Sachs (D-Broward County) brought up texting. She wants police to be able to stop someone and ticket them without some other violation first.

“I have yet to have anybody call me and say you know what, my 17-year-old child needs to go faster because that will make them safer,” said Sachs. “Never heard that yet. But I have heard, legislators you go on up there and make sure that these kids stop texting and driving.”

Sponsors argue people are people are already exceeding the posted 70 miles an hour limit… But AAA Motor Clubs hate the idea. It says there are problems in most states with higher limits.

“Every one of those states except two,” said Lee Moffitt of AAA Motor Clubs, “the fatality rates are higher than the states that have speeds of 70 miles an hour.”

If the change actually happens, one idea the DOT is talking about is replacing the zero with a five, rather than replacing the whole sign.

If the legislation clears the final hurtle, it would take effect July first. That means higher speeds could be coming to a road near you sometime this fall.

For the speed limit to go up, the DOT would have to conduct a study and find that 85 out of 100 motors are already traveling faster than 75.

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