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Hate Crimes Increase

January 2nd, 2014 by flanews

Hate crimes are on the increase in Florida. A new report from the Attorney General shows a twenty two percent increase. As Matt Horn reports –victims advocates say the numbers are likely to get worse before they get better.

A sharp increase in hate crimes has caught the attention of the NAACP and other groups across Florida.

“Is it over? I don’t think it’s over; I think its going to get worse,” said Dale Landry, NAACP.

For an act to be considered a hate crime: “a crime has to be initiated or perpetrated because of a bias against them,” said Gretl Plessinger, Florida Department of Law Enforcement Spokeswoman.

The latest report shows a 22 percent increase in hate crimes. The majority of the 170 reported crimes were against racial minorities, with LGBT people being the number two target. The numbers are the highest since 2008.

“The local law enforcement agencies are required to submit hate crimes each year. A report is compiled, local law enforcement submits to FDLE,” said Plessinger.

Fewer hate crimes were committed because of religion or national origin. NAACP’s Dale Landry says his group is seeing an alarming number of incidents from groups promoting hatred.

“There’s been a lot of this behavior, the question is, is it getting ready to erupt or do we go in and stop it,” said Landry.

In the report – Attorney General Pam Bondi says hate crimes are senseless acts based on hatred…but groups are pointing at her and other state leaders for the rise in hate crimes.

“Over the time look at what’s happened, things are starting to head back to where they were in the past because of a lack of leadership and a lack of a call of unity,” said Landry.

Orange, Brevard and Alachua counties reported the largest number of hate crimes. In Alachua County, home to the University of Florida, the Ku Klux Klan has been distributing recruiting flyers.

The Governor wasn’t available for an on-camera interview about the hate crimes, but his press office sent a statement about overall crime saying: “Governor Scott is proud that Florida is at a 42 year low in crime and that we are on a path to a 43 year crime low.”

A hate crime conviction carries enhanced penalties.

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