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Capitol News Service » 2013 » December

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Money’s Not There

December 4th, 2013 by flanews

Teachers across the state are still waiting for a pay increase months after lawmakers made extra money available. As Matt Horn reports, districts say the governor’s recommendation is difficult when the math doesn’t add up.


14 of Florida’s 67 school districts still haven’t given raises to teachers. Governor Rick Scott pushed for teacher increases earlier this year.

“We need to do an across the board twenty five hundred dollar pay raise for each and every one of our classroom teachers,” said Florida Governor Rick Scott(R)

At one of Florida’s smallest districts, administrators have been negotiating over how much of a raise teachers will get. Jefferson County schools have had a hard time reaching an agreement because they say the math doesn’t add up.

“It comes to around $1,600 so the governor never sent down $2,500 for each teacher,” said Robert Lloyd, Chief Executive Officer of the Jefferson County school district.

School districts got the money to give every teacher a raise in July, but one out of every three districts has yet to deliver on the promise of a raise.

Republican State Representative Halsey Beshears voted in favor of the pay increase for teachers. He says he’s disappointed teachers in his home town still haven’t received pay increases.

“I do understand there are two sides to every story, but these teachers deserve the raises. They should have had this done before the school year started,” said Halsey.

Mark Pudlow, spokesman for Florida’s largest teacher union, says there are a number of reasons the 14 counties cut a deal on the increase.

“In some places the contract negotiations go well and go quickly. In other places its a little more contentious,” said Pudlow.

After a contract agreement is made, teachers will receive back pay going back to the beginning of the school year.

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Nativity Scene Celebrates Christmas at Capitol

December 4th, 2013 by flanews

For decades, a Florida Grown Christmas tree has graced the State Capitol and Governors have helped Rabbi’s light a Menorah, but there is a new first at the Capitol for this Christmas.

It’s not unusual for school children to sing at the Capitol. What is unusual is their choice of songs.

They are celebrating the first nativity scene in the state Capitol in at least four decades and perhaps ever.

The idea is the brainchild of a Naples man and the Florida Prayer network which says it is time to put Christ back in Christmas. “You know what happens every time we have a tragedy in America? People ask for prayer. How about if we pray before it happens and we say ‘God, you are welcome in our nation once again.’ That is why we are here today,” says Pam Olsen, FL Prayer Network.

A Catholic Priest prayed.

And a Young Cuban Immigrant prayed for future Generations.

A Menorah has been a regular fixture inside these halls for Decades.

All of the columns around the Menorah and the Nativity scene contain this disclaimer. It says the state doesn’t endorse or sponsor the views.

Now that the state has declared the area a public forum, the ACLU says it will be impossible to deny other groups access. “They’re not going to be able to give permission to some groups that they like and deny permission to groups they may not like,” says Howard Simon, ACLU Florida.

The display was paid for with private donors, including Hobby Lobby, which is waging a campaign over religious beliefs at the US Supreme Court.

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Absentee Drop-off Battle

December 4th, 2013 by flanews

Supervisors of Elections are fighting back after the Secretary of State sent a directive ordering them not to collect absentee ballots anywhere but their office. But as Matt Horn reports – the supervisors say voters should come first.

With the gubernatorial election less than a year away, another fight is ramping up with the Secretary of State and Supervisors of Election. “The directive’s not worth the paper it’s written on,” said Ion Sancho, Leon County Supervisor.

In a memo sent by Secretary of State Ken Detzner, Supervisors of Elections are being told not accept any absentee ballots not turned into a supervisor’s office. The supervisor’s attorney says the battle may have to be settled in court. “If you have a major difference of opinion about how a law is to be construed, there are the courts,” said Ron Labasky, Supervior’s Attorney.

We reached out to the Secretary of State, who works for the Governor, several times. They refused to respond to my requests.

In 2012, several hundred thousand Floridians used drop off locations. “It is something that we’ve found to be very popular with the voters in the areas it’s done,” said Labasky.

Sancho says he will continue following Florida law, not the memo sent out by Detzner. “I think Secretary of State Ken Detzner is taking too many cues from the governor. And quite frankly he needs to listen to the citizens whom he’s supposed to serve,” said Sancho.

The Pinellas County supervisor is also ignoring the directive. Pinellas County is preparing for a special election to replace recently deceased Representative Bill Young. Supervisors using the drop offs remain confident they following state law. “We have statutes that are passed by the Florida legislature, which we’re required to follow,” said Sancho.

Labasky says the drops off locations for absentee ballots are secure.

Supervisors of Elections are set to meet in Sarasota later this month.

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Tax Yourself

December 2nd, 2013 by flanews

If you’re looking to catch amazing online deals – today is the day to shop online. But, as Matt Horn reports – Cyber Monday may be good for shoppers, but not for Florida.

Holiday décor is hung at brick and mortar stores. The holiday shopping season is in high gear.

“Thanksgiving time and Christmas time a lot of folks come to Florida and while they’re here they buy things,” said Rick McAllister.

Holiday shopping is expected to by up four percent this year. On line purchases are skyrocketing…up fifteen percent.

“Holiday sales in Florida are expected to be for the months of November and December 60 billion dollars,” said John Fleming.

Although the deals are good for customers…it is bad for the state treasury. Few if any online shoppers are paying state sales taxes.

“If that retailer doesn’t have a presence in the state of Florida they don’t have the same requirements to collect sales tax,” said Fleming.

In Florida – if you buy something online and the merchant doesn’t have brick and mortar building in the state – you don’t have to pay the sales tax you owe when you checkout.

And the failure to collect is costing the state treasury up to a billion dollars a year.

“If you’re buying from somebody like Amazon for example that does not yet have a facility in the state of Florida. Amazon is not going to add that sales tax on,” said Fleming.

It’s a state and Federal problem. . Three bills in Washington, DC would change sales tax laws across the country to include sales made online. Here in Florida – consumers are still required to fill out sales tax forms if they aren’t charged.

“Go to Department of Revenue and look for the form DR-15 that’s what you’re supposed to be filling yourself,” said Fleming.

Only an estimated 4 thousand forms paying online taxes voluntarily are filed each year.

Early Black Friday estimates show there were more shoppers out in Florida – but sales remained relatively flat.

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No News is Good News…For Now

December 2nd, 2013 by flanews

No news is good news for the FSU football team when it comes to the investigation into sexual assault allegations made against star quarterback Jameis Winston. The team leaves for a conference championship game on Thursday, and it is unlikely the case will be resolved before they leave.

The State’s Attorney says the investigation and the allegations of sexual assault involving FSU quarterback Jameis Winston, is to get ready for a decision. “We just have a few things left that we feel like we need to do and we’re working on them, presently. [Time table?] Well you know, I’d hate to set a time table. I don’t know when you’re dependent on other people,” says Willie Meggs, State’s Attorney (2nd Judicial Circuit).

The state attorney says he still have questions waiting for answers but he says if he doesn’t get that information that may be all the answer he needs.

FSU head coach Jimbo Fisher has refused to answer questions about the investigation. Jameis Winston got off to a slow start Saturday, throwing an interception, then recovering. Coach Fisher says Winston is handling the pressure well. “That he’s prepared very well and I think he’s played very well and he’s led our team very well,” says Jimbo Fisher, FSU Head Coach.

Until the allegations surfaced, Winston was considered a frontrunner for the Heisman trophy. Voting is next week. The Quarterbacks attorney has asked the State to speed up its investigation. But Prosecutor Meggs says a decision on what to do will be made when the time is right. “You know, I’m not working on the Heisman schedule or the football schedule. We’re working as hard as we can work,” says Willie Meggs.

The case is not expected to be resolved before Thursday, when FSU leaves for its conference championship game in Charlotte.

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