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Charlie Crist Returns… for now

November 19th, 2013 by flanews

Former Governor Charlie Crist made his first trip to the state Capitol since declaring he wants he old job back on November 4th. Crist went to a familiar haunt.

One of the former Governor’s first actions on his first trip back to the State Capitol since declaring he’s running for Governor again was to sign an autograph for a postal worker. “You’re going to win, I’m going to vote for you,” says Lolly Johnson, USPS worker.

“from your lips to God’s ears,” replied Charlie Crist, former Governor.

Crist ran into Lolly Johnson on his way to the Florida Press Center, home of most of the state’s major newspaper bureaus. On his way in Crist tried to create a contrast from the attacks he’s already endured and how he’ll run in his campaign. “I’ve never seen an incumbent candidate whether it’s county commission, governor or president start out with negative advertising like that. But, you know, this is a different kind of opponent and I guess that’s what we should expect. I’m going to talk about the future of Florida though and about improving education,” says former Governor Crist.

A few blocks away in the State Capitol, Rick Scott touted a lower crime rate. “The people want to come here as tourist, they come here because they have a safe state,” says Governor Rick Scott.

He also criticized the President on heath care. “He was deceitful when he said if you have- if you like your insurance you won’t lose it,” says Governor Scott.

What’s already becoming clear a year out from the election is that Floridians will face very different candidates. “We got to have health care for people, we’re the richest country in the world and we don’t provide it and we should,” former Governor Crist.

Crist didn’t come just to kabitz with the media, he’s here to raise money as well.

Crist has already raised about a million dollars just over half a month, he’s still 17 million behind the sitting governor.

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